This man's wife suddenly disappears while they're at an airport: "She messaged that I should not try to look for her"

by Mark Bennett

February 21, 2023

This man's wife suddenly disappears while they're at an airport: "She messaged that I should not try to look for her"

It is said that love is the strongest passion of all, and conquers all. But sometimes, things happen that contradict this widely-believe folk wisdom.

The subject of this story, for example, thought he was living his best life: married and expecting his first child, he believed that nothing could ruin his good fortune - but he was very wrong. Without the slightest warning, his whole life collapsed and he could not do anything to prevent it.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The story was told by the man in a long post on Reddit. Stunned by what he had experienced, he decided to share his shock with web users. "I was at the airport with my 28-weeks-pregnant wife when she abandoned me half an hour before our flight left" - so starts the story of this grief-stricken husband.

Apparently, the two were waiting for a plane when the woman told her husband that she had to go to the bathroom. But after 15 minutes, his wife still hadn't returned. At this point, the man went to check if everything was ok and his wife replied (from inside a stall) that there was nothing to worry about and that she would rejoin shortly.

After several more minutes, the man received a message that his wife had already boarded the plane. "At this point, I rushed over to an assistant and asked if my wife was on the plane. They said no, and then I discovered that not only had she not embarked, but she had cancelled her ticket".

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

The man was dumbfounded: "I didn't understand what was happening. I was desperately worried about her and my baby. I called her but she didn't answer me. I tried her family and there was no answer from them either: I was totally desperate. A few hours later, I received a message from my wife saying she had left the country and I shouldn't try to look for her."

And just like this, this man's world collapsed. Many have speculated about the motives the woman had to do this, but the man is at a loss to explain it himself.

The really sad thing was having to accept what had happened: "I thought we were happy, then suddenly everything changed," the man wrote. Sometimes, life can be extremely cruel...

How would you have reacted if you were in this man's shoes?
