Man interrupts a wedding and verbally attacks the groom: "You asked for my daughter's hand too"

Marriage is an important commitment between two people in love: eternal love is sworn in front of everyone, both with religious and civil rites, and fidelity and care is promised by both parties. It's a pity, however, that some people don't understand the meaning of this union and don't take it seriously.
An incident occurred in Choluteca, Honduras, where a man interrupted an outdoor wedding, accusing the groom of leading a double life.
via Planoinformativo

The embarrassing scene was immortalized in a video shared on TikTok: the video begins a few moments after the beginning of the ceremony, which is interrupted by a man who approaches the wedding couple, stating that the groom had asked for the hand of another woman. "You'll forgive me, but there won't be any wedding here, because of him", says the man to the guests, pointing to the groom: "You were supposed to marry my daughter on the 27th of this month. What did you tell me when you asked for her hand?".
The man's outburst caused a stir among the guests and the wedding was immediately cancelled. In a second video, the man is seen continuing to rail against the groom: "My daughter is an engineer, she's not just any person. I'm not going to shut up. You, miss, have been deceived like my daughter: this man has a double or maybe even triple life with other women. As soon as I learned he was getting married, I came to warn you," the man stated.

Both videos have gone viral, clocking up over 10 million views on TikTok and hundreds of comments from users who have harshly criticized the actions of the groom and congratulating the father for his courage in interrupting the wedding. "These are the parents we need: ready to stand up for their daughters anywhere, anytime," commented one woman.
How would you have reacted in this man's shoes?