Teacher scolds a pupil in front of everyone and they fire him: parents ask to have him reinstated (+VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

March 03, 2023

Teacher scolds a pupil in front of everyone and they fire him: parents ask to have him reinstated (+VIDEO)

Working at a school and teaching students is not an easy job. There are gifted people, however, who put their hearts into teaching. Sometimes, however, it can happen that problems arise that are not handled in the best possible way. Mistakes can be made and can cause a teacher to lose their job.

This is the situation in which the subject of this story found himself. This teacher was fired for the way he spoke to one of his students.

via Enlace Television

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

This story took place in Cali, Colombia, where a teacher, tired of the disrespectful attitude of one of his students, lost his temper and scolded him loudly in front of the whole class. The incident was filmed by one of the students and shared on the web.

Very quickly, many viewers got to see the video. The teacher is seen shouting at the student:

"In here, you don't talk like that, do you understand? This story has been going on since the first day I met you. I can't take it anymore. You misbehave and swear everywhere and I no longer know how to make you understand that it's unacceptable. You must not use this type of language at school. Do it outside the classroom, but not here".

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

The teacher's tirade upset many web users. Many criticized the teacher for showing up the student in front of all his peers and, although some people supported the teacher, most of those who saw the video, did not consider his behavior as appropriate.

The response from the school's authorities was quick in coming: they chose to fire the teacher. The man had made a mistake and lost his job. But most of the parents of the school did not agree with this course of action.

In fact, many parents asked for the teacher to be reinstated. They argued that the man was an excellent teacher and he had been provoked by the student.

"AQUÍ NO SE DICE GROSERÍAS BROTHER": PROFESOR HACIA ALUMNO❗ En un colegio de Cali, padres de familia informan que un profesor les está gritando a los alumnos, como se evidencia en el vídeo. Vos qué opinas vé?🆗

Pubblicato da Cali OK Noticias su Venerdì 3 febbraio 2023

The teacher, for his part, apologized to the student, adding: "I'm here to teach this student, but I have failed".

What do you think about how this teacher reacted?
