6-year-old asks to go to school only 4 days a week: "I need more time to play and rest"

by Mark Bennett

February 28, 2023

6-year-old asks to go to school only 4 days a week: "I need more time to play and rest"

Working or studying during the day can be very tiring for everyone. And for this reason, most occupations allow for a work-free 2-day weekend off. There are many countries where steps are being taken to lengthen this period of free time and the working week has been reduced to 4 days instead of 5, or even 6.

But some activity areas are not being considered for time-reduction - and one of these is schooling. Here is the story of a young child who has noticed this "discrepancy" and voiced his objections. Here is his story: 

via @jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

Brodie Kenyon - 6 years old - from Georgia, in the United States, has become famous on the web for an unusual request he addressed to the US government: he wants his school week to be reduced from 5 to 4 days. Young Brodie argues that he would like more days to devote to his interests.

In a short video clip, shared on the @jess_kenyon TikTok account, Brodie outlines his needs. In the images, the little one can be heard saying: "Hello everyone, my name is Brodie and this is a message for the government. I really wish there were 3 days off in a week. I've been very tired at school lately and I dream about a few moments of rest. Two days are not enough - I need 3 days to play, to be with my grandmother and to do what I want".

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

Brodie's message has been viewed more than 10 million times. And, in fact, Brodie's request has turned the spotlight on this topic.

Many have supported the child's request and similarly argue that the school week should be reduced.

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

@jess_kenyon/Tik Tok

Some countries have already put this choice into practice, declaring that it has only had benefits: not only are employees more rested, more serene and happy, but their peace of mind would benefit daily performance and the company systems to which they belong. After all, being able to rest 24 hours longer would be perfect for getting back to the week in the best possible way and being even more active and productive.

Do you agree with this idea or do you think only Saturday and Sunday off is sufficient?
