Couple decide to celebrate their wedding without the presence of children: a family spat erupts

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the presence of children in some public places such as restaurants or hotels. And this discussion has included the desirability of having children at a wedding. The main reason given to exclude children, is the noise that they tend to make - which could disrupt an important event, like a wedding. The subjects of this story took the difficult decision to ask their friends and relatives to leave their children at home on their wedding day. Unfortunately, this decision was not taken well by some invitees. Read on to find out more:
via Newsweek
Jenny Marin and her now husband, José Salcedo, tied the knot in 2022 after spending more than two years planning the perfect wedding. Obviously, the "perfect" wedding doesn't actually exist, but the couple tried their best. And it was precisely to achieve this that the couple decided to exclude children from attending their wedding.
"We wanted this to a time where everyone could have fun and celebrate without having to worry about taking care of children," said Jenny. But criticism from relatives with children were not long in coming. If children had been invited, there would have been at least 20 of them. Jenny did not like the idea of having 20 kids running around ruining her special day. She stated: "Making this decision was not easy because many people considered it rude. In the Latino culture, we're known for our large family gatherings and welcoming everyone - including children."
Some members of their family, however, were so offended by this decision that they cut off all communications with the couple:
"I have relatives who have stopped talking to me because of this decision. I considered them very important people in my life but I certainly didn't expect them to cut me off like they did. It was very disappointing," Jenny said.
Although the wedding has now taken place, the family rift remains. Do you think this is a good reason to cut off relations with family members?