A disabled student cannot get off the bus: his classmates sacrifice a special day to stay with him

by Mark Bennett

March 05, 2023

A disabled student cannot get off the bus: his classmates sacrifice a special day to stay with him

Going to school is not only the main way to learn new things and grow culturally, but is also a way to learn social skills. It is precisely during school-going years that students develop their personalities and shape the path that they will follow in the future.

And parents and teachers play a fundamental role in this regard: showing children how to live and have mutual respect for others. The students at the center of this story seem to be proof that this type of social education is possible.

via Tgcom24

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

This story took place in Italy, at an elementary school in Abruzzo, and involved a group of students who, accompanied by their teachers, took part in a school trip. Once at their destination, the students were about to get off the bus when something unexpected happened.

Among them was a student in a wheelchair who, unfortunately, got stuck on the bus when his wheelchair broke. The wheelchair's platform broke suddenly and he was momentarily unable to leave his seat. Attempts to fix the problem were in vain, which is why, in order to prevent the whole day from being a write-off, the other pupils were told to get off the bus and start the tour. And this is when something special happened.

The students refused to abandon their disabled schoolmate on the bus and so they decided to stay with him. This was a wonderful gesture of respect and altruism shown by the students (all aged between 8 and 9 years).

 Bureau of Land Management California/Flickr - Not the actual photo

Bureau of Land Management California/Flickr - Not the actual photo

The head teacher, Piero Buzzelli, said: "These students have taught everyone a lesson. Instead of getting off the bus and walking off, they chose to stay with their friend. They tried to fix the platform, but they couldn't so, in the end, they all had to return home. The behavior of these children was exemplary, a testimony to the true meaning of inclusion. We are all proud and moved."

We also salute these wonderful students and thank them for the mature example they have set for all of us - young and old.
