Future mother reveals her baby's gender to her boyfriend using colored confetti: he is colorblind

Finding out you are pregnant is always an emotional moment, and in recent years, a new "announcement" practice has started. This practice - which is quickly becoming a tradition - is the so-called gender-reveal parties: some use a cake prepared with a blue or pink sponge inside to be revealed it only when the cake is cut; others put pink or blue confetti inside a balloon/party-popper or which is popped/set off at the right moment, revealing the baby's gender.
A future mother chose the party-popper option to reveal the gender of her baby, but forgot a "small" detail.
via NYPost

Young Jenna Cowann - the future mother in this story - organized a party to reveal the gender of her first to her friends and family. To do so, she chose a party-popper filled with appropriately colored confetti that would reveal her baby's gender.
However, there was a hitch: when the party-popper was set off, it launched a cloud of glittering pink confetti, announcing Jenna's baby as a little girl. But despite the room being filled with pink confetti, the father of Jenna's baby - we will call him John here - looked completely lost...

At this point, the expectant mother admitted that she had made a small gaffe: "Oops! I forgot that John is colorblind!", she said. And, in fact, John confirmed this by saying: "I don't see what the colour is. What is it?".
Jenna told him with a beaming smile: "It's a girl!". And certainly, this small gaffe made the event even more memorable for everyone present.
Have you ever made a similar mistake by forgetting a small, but critical, detail?