Father loses custody of his daughter after asking Alexa to babysit her

by Mark Bennett

March 17, 2023

Father loses custody of his daughter after asking Alexa to babysit her

Having children is a great joy, but is also a great responsibility: from the day they are born, children need constant care from their mothers and fathers and - especially in the first years of their lives - it is very difficult to find free time for yourself if you are a parent. In any case, most parents are prepared for this - or they manage to adapt.

Unfortunately, not all parents are quite so responsible and some do not know what a "priority" is: the young father in this story lost custody of his daughter "because of Alexa".

via Mirror

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

No, Alexa is not the name of a real woman, but a device that responds to one's voice commands: Alexa is useful in super-modern homes to keep lights and heating under control when you are out.  Alexa is also great for setting reminders, alarms, keeping to-do lists and get answers to general knowledge questions. Well, this young 30-year-old father asked his Alexa device to babysit his 5-year-old daughter while he went to the pub one evening.

At about 2am the next morning, the police were called to break up a fight which was happening in the garden of this pub-going man. The man and his ex were having a major shouting match and had woken up the neighbors. In short, the man was arrested and charged for child neglect.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"He admitted he left his daughter at home, but he has an Alexa app on his phone to monitor her," said the man's defense attorney, Gareth Walters. "Notwithstanding this, my client is still a young man of good standing," the lawyer stated. Unfortunately for this father, the court was not convinced and he lost custody of his daughter.

What do you think? Did this thirty-year-old father get what he deserved?
