This man spent $20,000 to have a facelift and find the courage to talk to a woman

Coming to terms with your physical appearance isn't easy, especially if you've been bullied all your life. Over time, however, most of us learn to accept ourselves for who we are and even embrace our so-called "defects". However, not everyone can do this and some of these people take drastic measures. The subject of this story, for example, has spent a large amount of money to improve his appearance with plastic surgery. You may or may not agree with his approach to his problem, but what is certain, is that it worked. Let's take a closer look at his story:
via Wales Online
Marcello Cantu is 31 years old and said that he has always been shy, especially around girls. When he was a teenager, he couldn't even talk to girls. This shyness problem lead to Marcello becoming isolated and his social life was practically non-existent. His fear was that everyone would stare at him and point out his physical defects which, according to him, were very visible and prominent. So, Marcello decided to change some of his physical characteristics with cosmetic surgery: he dealt with his nose and ears first. Marcello also decided to have a hair transplant to solve his baldness issue. In all, this young man spent a whopping $20,000 dollars remodeling his appearance.
Thanks to these aesthetic changes, Marcello has managed to regain his self-confidence - so much so that today, he no longer has any problems interacting with women.
"I never really had a social life, not even in my teens. When I was at school, I didn't go on dates, I didn't have the guts to ask girls out. I wanted to be someone different and I thought that by changing my outward appearance I could achieve this. Once I had the surgery, my life changed. I've now been with multiple women," Marcello stated.
"I'm determined to enjoy life and make the most of the opportunities that are placed before me," said Marco, who now feels he's finally "arrived".
What do you think? Do you think it is right to resort to plastic surgery to solve lack-of-confidence issues? Give us your opinion in the comments!