Woman will not give up her window seat to a little girl, who promptly bursts into tears

Moving from one seat to another on a plane has become a common habit for many. While there are many who are happy with their assigned seats, there are alway some who aren't.
An incident related to this phenomenon happened to the subject of this story. She was travelling on her own after saying a painful farewell to her family. Here is her story:
via Reddit

The 22-year-old woman's story appeared on Reddit and she reached out to users for their opinions on what she had done: "I had to face an 8 or 9 hour flight on my own. Leaving my family had not been easy for me and I spent a good part of the day crying. I had a window seat for the flight and could not wait to sit down and relax a little." Too bad that when she got to her seat, she found a nasty surprise.
In her seat there was a small girl who was watching what was happening outside the aircraft. Sitting nex to the child was her father. "I looked at the man and gestured to him to make him understand that his daughter's seat was actually mine, but he just pointed to an aisle seat opposite. I didn't know what else to say and just I sat there," the woman said.
The woman called her family from the plane and told them of what had happened. Her father immediately told her to claim her seat, because he had paid for it and had paid extra for the window. The woman then asserted her right to the window seat and the man and his daughter were forced to move. This, however, mad the little girl to cry uncontrollably.

"I felt guilty and need to know if I was wrong to claim my seat?" the woman asked. Most users came out in favor of the woman, arguing that the father could have paid more for a ticket to allow his child to sit next to a window. He hadn't, so he shouldn't expect others to give up their more expensive seats for him.
In her place, how would you have reacted?