Young woman meets a man for a first date: he leaves 45 seconds later

Many people looking for love set up a first date to get to know someone they might find interesting. Usually, they go out for a romantic dinner, but one can organize something "quicker" in case things go wrong. In fact, a lot of first dates don't always have a positive outcome: and when this happens, the best thing to do is to leave in style. At least that's what most people do, but one young woman became famous on the web for being "dumped" in just a matter of seconds.
via Mirror
Rachel Wilson is a 28-year-old woman from Florida, USA, and she set up a first date with a guy she met through a dating app. Just 45 seconds after meeting her in a sports bar, the young man went out "to move the car" - and never returned. A few minutes later, Rachel received a text from the man saying, "Sorry, I didn't feel like it," complete with a sad smiley face emoticon.
"I stood in front of the restaurant waiting for him for about five minutes before I got the text. I didn't answer, immediately deleted his number and haven't heard from him since," Rachel said. However, Rachel was perplexed by the young man's surprising behavior.
Despite this unpleasant experience, Rachel has declared that she will not be influenced by the man's rude behavior and will not give up on looking for love: "I think if I wasn't a confident person, this episode would have really destroyed me, but luckily I'm very strong and sure about myself, so this episode won't affect how I approach my future encounters,” Rachel stated.
Many followers commented on Rachel's experience, complimenting her on taking it philosophically. Some even joked about it: "I mean, technically he did move his car. Away from you, from the restaurant, and closer to his home than to you," joked one user.
How would you have reacted?