This mother works to support her children and her sick husband: her ex-teacher steps in to help

True love is sought after by most of us: who amongst us hasn't wanted to fall in love? And when we find it, true love can be a wonderful thing - capable of moving mountains.
Jessica Robredo is a young mother who found true love: she met Robert and their two souls become one. These two lovers got married and soon started a family - but trouble was on the horizon. Their love story was overshadowed by a tragic event. Read on to find out more:

Robert, just 25 years old, was struck down by a dread disease: cancer - in very aggressive form - forced Robert into intensive medical therapy. The cost of Robert's treatment was so high that he had to be transferred from LA to Los Angeles (where the treatment was cheaper). Jessica, continued to work in Las Vegas to provide for her family and the expensive medical bills, often having to sleep in her van due to lack of funds.
Fortunately, someone noticed Jessica's plight: Kim - Jessica's elementary school teacher - came to her rescue. The two women were very close ever since Kim had taught Jessica at school. However, no one would have expected that Kim would do something as extraordinary as she did.

Kim decided to contact the directors of a television program that helps out people who are struggling in life. The TV executives decided to help Jessica and put plans into motion. Wearing regular clothes, the TV staff mingled with the customers of the bar where Jessica was working. On leaving, the TV crew left Jessica a tip of $12,000 dollars! In addition, they also gave her a new car. Jessica burst into tears of gratitude once she realized what was happening and later said, “Never lose hope. There's always someone out there to help you…I didn't expect any of this at all.”
Unfortunately Robert passed away, but Jessica managed to spend his last days at his side, thanks to the support she had received.
What do you think about this touching story?