Sisters ask their mother to send them a sign from Heaven (+VIDEO)

Many people believe that there is life after death: regardless of religion, many people are convinced that there may be something "on the other side", otherwise our existence would be meaningless. And that's why two sisters took care of their sick mother Dorothy, 97, asked the failing woman to send them a message or a sign once she was in Heaven.
The elderly mother promised to do so and, unfortunately, she passed away a few days later. What happened after her demise is, however, incredible.
via Inspiremore

Sisters Deborah Booth Patteson and Jeanne Booth Wright asked their mother for a clear sign that she was in Heaven: one sign they agreed on would be a visitation by a cardinal bird. This sign would assure the two sister their mother had reached the other side. About ten days after Dorothy's death, the sisters heard something at their kitchen window.
When they went to check, they saw something perched outside the window: a cardinal bird. This startled the sisters, but they kept calm and figured it was probably just a coincidence. They let the bird into the house and spent about ten minutes watching it. The bird was unusually sociable: it let itself be held and stroked without flying away. The extreme docility of the bird began make the sisters think that perhaps the incident was more than just a coincidence.

After having petted the little cardinal bird for a bit, the sisters went to let it out. But the little bird would not move and remained where it was. When they tried again, the bird flew around and perched on one of the sister's shoulder.
This dispelled any doubts the sisters had: for them, it was the a clear sign from their departed mother. The two women laughed and cried for joy and shortly afterwards, the cardinal bird flew away.
The incident was filmed by Angela Patteson, the daughter-in-law of one of the two sisters, who shared it on social media with the following caption: "In recent years, my mother-in-law Debbie and her sister Jeanne have talked to their mother: on several occasions they asked their deceased mother to give them a sign and they specifically, they asked that a cardinal bird be the messenger".
This series of coincidences that could make even the most hardened skeptic waver, don't you think?