Until he was 18, this man could neither read nor write: later, he was appointed as a university professor

Having a dream as a child, and wanting to pursue it as an adult, is something that unites many people. However, there are many who, for various reasons, are unable to do so.
The subject of the story we want to tell you about here seemed to belong to the latter group. But then, destiny was able to surprise him - thanks also to his determination and willpower. Here is his story:
via People

Jason Arday is a 37-year-old man who has become very famous due to his incredible story. Born in Clapham, South London, Jason had a learning disability and was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum from an early age. These handicaps greatly limited his personal growth: in fact, until he was 11 years old, he could not speak and by 18 years old he had never learned to read or write.
These handicaps obviously negatively affected Jason's life, but his determination and will-power paid off in the end.

Many people told Jason that it would not have been easy for him to live on his own and he needed to be placed in a care facility. But Jason, as soon as he learned to read and write, rolled up his sleeves and started studying as much as he could. Little by little he made progress and he became a physical education teacher. Later, he began to devote himself to the issues of inequality and the integration of those less fortunate into society.
Jason went on to study educational sociology and got the position of professor at one of the most important universities in the world: Cambridge University. This appointment made Jason the youngest professor in the UK.
"My work is mainly focused on how we can open doors for people from disadvantaged backgrounds and I would like to truly democratize higher education. I hope that my presence in a university like Cambridge can help me develop these ideas and to take them to a higher level," Jason stated.
Jason also said that without the help of his mother, he could not have achieved his goals. For him, his mother's love and support were vital to his success.
We wish Jason all the best for the future and for showing us that, with determination and willpower, all challenges can be overcome.