Babysitter calls the police when the parents go missing

by Mark Bennett

March 18, 2023

Babysitter calls the police when the parents go missing

Usually, when a teenager wants to make more pocket money, they may decide to do some babysitting: it seems like a simple task that can be lucrative, but happens if the parent's don't respect the agreed-upon hours?

This is what happened to a 14-year-old babysitter who panicked and decided to call the police to try find the tardy parents of two children she was babysitting. Read on to find out more:

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"I'm 14 and I babysit for a few people in my neighborhood. On Friday, I sat for the kids of a couple who have just moved into town. It's a block from my house, so my parents were I agreed that could be out until 10pm. The parents had told me they would be back by 9.00pm, but by 9.45pm they still hadn't returned. I texted them to find out where they were, but got no response, so I called my parents and my came around,” the teen girl explained.

The young woman was also worried about the weather conditions, given that it was snowing heavily that evening and there could be disruptions to the road network. After waiting for the parents to return until 11.30pm, the teenager - in agreement with her mother - decided to alert the police: "I was very worried. The police took their names and their other info and tracked them down in about twenty-five minutes: they were at a friend's house. They called me and were angry that I had called the police," she said.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The teen explained she wouldn't have called the authorities if they had answered their phone and that it wasn't her intention to get them in trouble. But the parents stated that the girl "isn't mature enough" to be a babysitter: "I feel a little guilty that the police had to pick them up at their friends' houses, but I think they should have answered their phone. What if there was something wrong with their children?", said the young woman, asking internet users for their opinions.

Most users supported the teen: "These parents were taking advantage of you. You did everything you had to, including trying to contact them, contacting your mother and then the police. You didn't do anything wrong. They got angry because they were caught behaving badly. Don't let their comments hurt you - you were very mature: they are the irresponsible ones," commented one user.

What do you think about this story?
