Woman gives birth prematurely: her parents refuse to cancel their vacation to attend

Holidays are looked forward to by many workers: who doesn't like to take a break from their work/daily routine to enjoy time with the family, rest, pursue their hobbies or simply to switch off one's brain?
Furthermore, this well-deserved rest generally does not last more than a few weeks (at most) and it is therefore a very precious time. Two American parents found themselves in a rather awkward position recently in this regard. Let's see what happened:
via Reddit

RODNAE Productions / Pexels - Not the actual photo
The couple had been on vacation in Mexico for only six days when they received an urgent call. To afford this holiday the two of them had saved up for a whole year and now their entire holiday was in jeapordy: their daughter's boyfriend had called to tell them that their daughter was about to give birth. But in fact, the woman was in her last month of pregnancy, and was not due to give birth for another few weeks!
The intent of this "almost mother" was clear: she wanted her parents to be with her at all costs and she unabashedly asked them to return to the United States halfway through their vacation. But the woman's parents had no doubts about what to do: they refused to return - much to the chagrin of their daughter.

rawpixel.com - Not the actual photo
In the end, the woman gave birth prematurely by caesarean section and everything went well. The woman's parents were stunned hower when they returned from their holiday and their daughter would not speak to them. So, they decided to tell their story on the web, seeking the opinions of users.
The father wrote: "We planned and saved all year for this trip, plus we booked and paid for it before my daughter got pregnant. The baby was born healthy and our daughter is doing well. We have only seen pictures of our grandson on Facebook (FB) because our daughter won't speak to us. We hoped to be able to return in time for the birth, but we could not have predicted a premature arrival". The man then concluded his post by asserting that, in any case, he and his wife would not have been able to arrive in time for the birth, even if they had tried.
There were many FB users who supported these two parents: whose side would you be on?