This woman is the tallest model in the world: "My height intimidates men"

Many people consider being tall or having long legs as a characteristic that makes them more desirable: but Ekaterina Lisina, a young woman from Russia, said her height is making it difficult for her to find a man.
The young woman is 205.16 cm tall, and has the longest legs among women in the world - 132 cm long - and also has the largest female feet in Russia. But Ekaterina realized at a very early age that her height could also have advantages.
via Ladbible
Since her adolescence, Ekaterina was aware that she would be an asset on the basketball court and that joining a team would pave the way to a possible sports career. Her hunch turned out to be correct and she eventually made the Russian national basketball team where she also showed off her remarkable athletic abilities.
After saying goodbye to basketball, Ekaterina found a more lucrative path: thanks to her good looks, she joined the fashion industry. This was a long way from when she was child and often the target of classmates who teased her about her height. But now, Ekaterina has managed to transform her unique physical characteristics into a strength, and also appearing int the Guinness Book of World Records.
However, Ekaterina also admitted that although many find her beautiful and are fascinated by her height, when it comes to finding love, her height is a real obstacle: her tall frame towers over men and intimidates them.
"My height is an obstacle: if I like a guy, most of the time he's much shorter. And if I like a tall man, he often doesn't want to be with you because I'm too tall for him. However I think the most important in a relationship is chemistry and a mental connection. If these elements are not present, no relationship can work," she said.
Do you agree with Ekaterina?