4 single mothers decide to buy a house and raise their children together

by Mark Bennett

March 29, 2023

4 single mothers decide to buy a house and raise their children together

There are moments in life when it's not easy to keep going, and having the right people supporting you is the only way to overcome a difficult period. For example, the women at the center of this story all shared similar backgrounds: a marriage that had gone bad and children to raise by themselves. What can one do in this type of situation? Well, there are those who can cope; then there are those who struggle to go on by themselves.

The four women in this story were all struggling to cope with their lives, but they banded together to devise a unique solution. Let's find out together what they did:

via Insider

It all started with two friends - Holly Harper and Herrin Hopper - who had always fantasized about the possibility of living together one day, but which could not happen because they were both married. However, when their respective marriages failed and they got divorced, an opportunity arose.

"Holly and I looked at each other and said: 'Why not?', so this adventure began and within a week, we found the right house for all of us," said Herrin. Then, they focused on finding other people to live with them and soon afterwards, they were joined by Leandra Nichola and Jen Jacobs, also single, divorced mothers.


Coming together, joining forces and applying their feminine power has helped these women past their difficulties. Jen said: "No one is ever alone in this house. We experienced difficult moments when we weren't in this group, but not anymore. We can be ourselves, with our strengths and weaknesses, and we know that the others won't judge us."

Of course, managing the life of such a large group is not always easy, but Holly, Herrin, Jen and Leandra always plan out their weeks carefully and divide the chores up fairly between the group's members. And it's no small thing to know that there is always someone the women can count on to help out, especially when dealing with the kids (aged 9 - 14 years). "They are growing up like they are all cousins and their friendships are very deep," Holly said.

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The four mothers are also now able to pursuing their hobbies, because they know that there is always someone who will take care of the kids. Not to mention that, from an economic point of view, all of them have saved money - up to $30,000 dollars annually on expenses, thanks to the "Siren House". This is the name they have given their home and, like the sirens from mythology, this group has been drawn to the dwelling.

This is truly a unique example of co-operative living and mutual support. If you support each other and if you stick together in times of need, everything will work out in the end. Do you agree?
