After 7 years, a priest and a nun abandon their religious orders: when they meet each other again, love is born

Falling in love is the most beautiful thing that can happen in life, most would agree. Love is a deep and unique feeling, which can manifest itself in so many different ways and everyone chooses the path that he or she feels is right. There are those who start a family with their special partner. But sometimes, choosing love over something else is not always simple.
This is something that happened to the two subjects of this story: a man and a woman who had trained to become a priest and a nun respectively, when something changed in their lives. Let's find out together what happened:
via Debate
Tomás and Massiel are two young Mexicans who have dedicated a good part of their youth to religious training. Both of them felt they wanted to dedicate their lives to God. So, they set out to take their religious orders. For 7 long years, they busied themselves with religious matters.
While working, Tomás and Massiel met, they established a good working relationship, but their exchanges were not very frequent.

Fate, however, intervened. After years of religious work, Tomás felt that something was changing inside him. His needs were no longer the same and he gradually realized that a priest's life was not for him. Ultimately, he left the priesthood and started a new life. Then, by chance, he discovered that the exact same thing had happened to Massiel and decided to contact her again.
The young woman had also left the monastic life. The two discussed what had happened to them and slowly, a romantic relationship developed between them.

"I started looking at Massiel differently," confessed Tomás. He continued: "I noticed her smile, her eyes and her new way of dressing and I was captivated. I couldn't keep my eyes off her".
That's how, gradually, the two fell in love. The fact that they had left their religious calling had nothing to do with their mutual feelings. The love between them blossomed only after they had left, but evidently, fate had this in store for them.
After all, when two people are destined to spend their lives together, nothing will ever be able to stop it. For this couple, this is how it turned out in the end and we just have to wish them a wonderful life together.