Mother gives her newborn daughter an elaborate manicure: she is inundated with criticism

Becoming a parent is a wonderful experience that thrills new mums and dads. For this reason, sometimes the joy of raising their child makes some parents tend to "spoil" their little ones from the first days of life, perhaps by buying adorable accessories for them such as cute hats or special onesies.
Recently, however, a new mother managed to cause quite a stir on social media by posting photos of her newborn baby girl sporting a full manicure. Let's check out this story:
via Dailymail

The photos that went viral on the web were originally posted to a Facebook (FB) group, accompanied by the following caption: "I can do this type of manicure for your children too. Contact me privately for information. Cheap rates". The images show the tiny fingers of a 3-week-old baby girl, "modelling" long, pointed, "stiletto-shaped", false nails.
This type of nail shape can be uncomfortable for some adult women, let alone a baby. As mentioned, the images have piqued the interest - and indignation - of many FB users. Some, looking carefully at the shots, have claimed that it may be a Photoshop fake - a hypothesis that actually cannot be ruled out. Authentic or not, these photos have upset many social media users.

Some users felt compelled to stress how dangerous these nails actually are. The little girl scratch her eyes, or other parts of her body and get hurt, and this possibility alarmed many. Others, however, took the matter less seriously, stating that newborn's nails are already naturally sharp but that accidents don't constantly happen despite this.
What do you think: did this mother go too far?