"I want my child to go to nursery school - I need a break and time for myself"

Motherhood is a wonderful thing and there are women who dream of being able to take care of one or more children and have a wonderful family around them. We know, however, that when a little one is born, one's routine will change and you will have less time available for yourself.
Indeed, many women with kids often feel the need to carve out a few moments of peace and quiet for themselves. The subject of this story felt like this, but what she did was not appreciated by everyone.
via Kidspot
Chloe Haycock is a 25-year-old English mother who caused a stir by deciding to send her very young son to nursery school. More and more parents make use of nursery schools - not only because they work, but also because this teaches the children how to socialize with their peers.
Chloe decided that the time had come for her-18-month-old son, Chester, to "leave the nest". In a video posted to social media, she admitted that she needed time to herself: not only did she have to take care of her two stepchildren and her baby, but she was also pregnant. So, how could she take break from all these commitments? The only way she could think of was to put her son in a nursery school.
"Today Chester had his first day at kindergarten (nursery school). It went very well. I sat next to him for a while and then I left without him noticing. I am so proud of my baby boy", Chloe said.
But Chloe's post attracted a lot of criticism. Many web users posted stinging comments, stating their disapproval: "This doesn't seem normal to me, especially given you don't have a job or have to go to work: the poor little one," one commentator said.
There were others, however, that supported Chloe and consider going to nursery school a very positive thing. In fact, Chloe responded to her critics with these words:
"These people don't upset or offend me. I find their comments amusing and they make me laugh. We mothers also need a break and I want to rest for a while before my fourth child arrives. Not to mention that attending nursery school is very helpful for my son to have fun and socialise with others". And many users agreed with Chloe.
Do you think Chloe did the right thing, or should she have waited until her son was older before sending him off to nursery school?