At only 11, this little girl has two degrees and an IQ equal to that of Einstein

When you are younger you have enormous potential: all children are "blank canvases", ready for life to paint their futures upon. However, from time to time, some very special children emerge from the masses.
An example of this is the brilliant young Adhara Maite Pérez Sánchez, a Mexican girl of only 11 years of age who has already obtained two degrees in engineering: she has an IQ which is higher than that of Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking.
via Milenio
Given her age, Adhara should be in middle school, but she has already earned two degrees from two Mexican universities: one in Industrial Engineering in Mathematics at UNITEC, and one in Systems Engineering at CNCI. Furthermore, she has already been accepted to study a postgraduate course in astrophysics at the University of Arizona, USA. In a very short time, this little girl will be able to realize her greatest dream: traveling to the Moon or Mars.
From an early age, Adhara had to face many problems at school. Even some of her teachers discriminated against her: in fact, when she was only three years old, she discovered she had Asperger's syndrome. Her condition bothered her so much that her parents decided to home-school her. Her mother, Nallely Sanchez, is a psychologist and immediately understood that Adhara was very special. A test revealed that Adhara had an IQ of 162: a person with superior intelligence has an IQ of about 130.
Thanks to her homeschooling, Adhara has made enormous progress: "At five years old, she finished primary school, at six and a half, secondary school. And she finished high school in about a year and a half," explained her mother. "And the day came when I finished my second degree in engineering", said Adhara: "I am infinitely grateful to my family, who have been close to me at all times", she added.
After winning numerous national and international awards, Adhara states she wants to be an astronaut. This little girl is a true marvel of nature, wouldn't you agree?