Man is remote-working in a bar and complains about a child's noise: the mother responds

In everyday life, we find ourselves interacting frequently with other people - even if these encounters are fleeting.
As a rule, civil behavior requires one shows respect for others. However, situations and events can arise that can generate friction and conflict. This is exactly the case at the heart of the story we are about to tell you about here.
via Mumsnet

The mother in this story found herself in an unpleasant conflict situation. She was at a bar and was having breakfast with her baby. After a few minutes, she noticed that a man who was sitting not far away from the two of them was looking at them with a very annoyed expression.
The bar was quite crowded considering the hour: there was a lot of people having breakfast and then setting out for work. The hustle and bustle inside the bar was completely normal, given the place and time: after all, we are talking about a public place during "rush hour".
The man, dressed in a suit, was having a virtual meeting via his laptop and headphones. But, by the angry looks the man was giving her, the mother was sure something was up.

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels - Not the actual photo
In fact, the man even rolled his eyes and snorted every time the mother looked at him. The mother guessed that the man was annoyed by the noises her little one was making: the child was playing and humming happily, but was not yelling or crying. In the end, the mother, fed up with the man's angry glares, confronted him: "Look, if you're angry with us, I'll just point out that this is a bar and not an office".
The furious man jumped up without answering back and walked away in search of a free table that was further away from the mother and child. Not finding one, he had to return to the original seat, his eyes filled with bitterness and contempt.
Certainly the rise of remote working has created "alternative working realities" leaving workers more freedom on "where" they can work. But does this reality justify this man's behaviour?