Wife stops shaving and grows a beard: her husband files for divorce

Beauty standards these days are very difficult to live up to, which is why more and more people are tending to say "enough" and opting out of this "madness". This "movement" is gaining popularity with women, of obvious reasons. How many women have been told that they have to be thinner, wear make-up and - above all - have no body or facial hair?
A young woman with excessive hair growth condition has chosen to embrace her natural look - but her decision created a lot of problems for her.
via DailyMail

The subject of this story is a woman called Mandeep Kaur. Mandeep and is a 34 year old Indian woman. Mandeep had been married for some time and had had to battle constantly to keep hair from growing on her face: after years of marriage, she decided to stop fighting the growth, believing that her husband would support her. She was wrong - her husband filed for divorce immediately: "He was horrified by my appearance," Mandeep said.
The end of her marriage caused Mandeep to fall into deep despair, but her religious faith saved her: her spirituality allowed her to eventually find the peace she needed.

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo
Thanks to her religious beleifs, Mandeep has gained self-confidence and today, she refuses to shave her face: she is proud of her beard and enhances it by hiding wearing a turban. Because of this, she is sometimes mistaken for being a man - but that doesn't bother her anymore.
The cause for the abnormal growth of superfluous hair on Mandeep's face is not known, but she has no intention of investigating the matter: "I like myself as I am and I have no health problems. I'm fine both physically and emotionally. That's all that counts". A courageous choice, don't you think?