Woman's family uses her college fund to pay for her brother's wedding: she sues them

Family ties are unique and special, but can also be very complicated: more often than not, we tend to side-step potential flashpoints in order to maintain a peaceful atmosphere between relatives. But what can one do, however, when parents show a clear preference for one child over another - even going as far as to economically "damage" one child in favor of another?
This is the story of a young woman who decided to take her family to court after discovering that they used her university fund to pay for her brother's wedding.
via Reddit

“My great aunt set up savings accounts for all her female relatives – in our culture, a girls' education is not highly valued and she thought it was wrong. She lived with her father in London where she got her education. She went to university and became a doctor. She married an Englishman and they moved to America and had a great life. She funded the education of as many of her nieces and nephews as she could," the young woman explained, adding that she had inherited funds from her aunt that she had earmarked for university fees.
"My parents were able to access my inheritance money and used the funds to pay for my brother's wedding. When I graduated I went to the bank to get money for university and it was almost all gone. There was only about $13,000 dollars left. I asked my parents what had happened and said they had needed the money for my brother's wedding and had helped themselves. I was furious. I took out a student loan and I left the home immediately," continued the young woman.

Feeling betrayed, the young woman decided to sue her parents to get back as much of the money as possible. “My whole family is against me. My brother called me and offered to pay for my university education on the condition that I drop the lawsuit. I replied that I would be willing to accept this offer as long as we draw up and sign a legally binding contract. He called me a monster because I don't trust him," concluded the young woman, asking the web for advice on how to handle the situation.
Most users supported the young woman and urged her to be cautious: "They didn't even bother to tell you that they took your money. You simply can't trust them", one user wrote. Do you agree with this user?