At 11 years of age, this little girl started her own business and saved her family from poverty

In general, parents are those responsible for taking care of their children, providing for their needs and well-being: being loving towards their children remains one of the most important values for most families. However, there are situations in which life assigns caretaking to the children, as in the case of Alison Avendaño. Alison is a Colombian girl of only 11 years of age and accomplished a very important feat: saving her family from bankruptcy.
Despite her young age and the economic crisis that stuck her family, Alison was the one who saved the day.
via Elpais
From birth, Allison grew up in a wealthy family and her curiosity led her to discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship. She started selling handmade products - such as paper bracelets - using social media networks to promote them. At just 8 years of age and eager to try something new, she decided to make sweets for the Christmas holidays and sold them to relatives and friends. Some time later, however, Allison's family fell into bankruptcy.
To keep the family afloat, Allison's parents started selling fruit and vegetables in the street, but this was not enough to cover their costs of living. At this point, Allison stepped in, intent on using digital marketing to save her family. After doing some research online, she knew she could succeed with her plan. "I tried to keep my family's hope alive. I found a visionary business model online and decided to follow it," Allison said.
With her newfound online marketing skills, Allison soon became a start-up consultant, helping to generate sales through social media platforms. In just a few months, she raised over $12,000 dollars to help her parents with.
Allison had discovered a new passion and intends to continue to develop her skills in the field of digital marketing, demonstrating how her perseverance and determination can make even a youngster's dreams come true.