School janitor turns 77 years old, but doesn't celebrate her birthday: the school organizes a surprise party

by Mark Bennett

April 12, 2023

School janitor turns 77 years old, but doesn't celebrate her birthday: the school organizes a surprise party

The work of janitor is very important as it contributes to the cleanliness and safety of school environments, creating an environment suitable for students' education and well-being. In West Virginia, in the United States, at Belle Elementary School, everyone knows janitor Frances Buzzard - better known as Miss Frances: the woman is loved by all because she is always available to accommodate requests from fellow caretakers, teachers and even students with whom she is always very considerate. However, the school principal, Amanda Mays, discovered a "secret" about Miss Frances and decided to do something about it.

via Amomama

Facebook - @frances.buzzard.35

Facebook - @frances.buzzard.35

Apparently, Miss Frances rarely got the pleasure of celebrating her birthday, which is why the principal of the school decided to organize something special for her. On her next birthday, Miss Frances and her colleague, Rendell Heater, were called to the cafeteria. Everyone was thrilled to give the caretaker a surprise birthday party.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, all the children and school staff greeted Miss Frances with a big "Surprise! Happy birthday, Miss Frances!".

Miss Frances was thrilled and touched that everyone had gathered for her birthday. Principal Mays escourted Miss Frances to a chair in the center of the cafeteria and gave her a sash with "Happy Birthday" written on it, along with a pink tiara to wear. All the children and staff at the school sang "Happy Birthday" and presented her with cards, banners and cupcakes with candles.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Miss Frances admitted that she has rarely been able to celebrate her birthday in the past, even as a child: "My family didn't have enough money to celebrate these occasions. This party was really special for me: I have never experienced anything quite like this before," said the 77-year-old caretaker.

Miss Frances' kindness and dedication as a caretaker won the hearts of everyone in the school community, so they wanted to do something special for her. A touching example of how even the simplest things can bring happiness into people's lives.
