Couple is adamant that they do not want children: "They would ruin our lives"

by Mark Bennett

April 12, 2023

Couple is adamant that they do not want children: "They would ruin our lives"

Everyone is free to live their life the way they want, or at least that's how it should be. The choices we make during our life generally reflect our personal needs. The world is beautiful because it is a diverse place and this proverb is certainly true: each of us has his own needs, desires and ambitions.

The couple who are the focus of this story seem to have very clear ideas about what their philosophy of life is.

via Mirror

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Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Taylor Vasu, 28, and her husband Justin, 27, have decided not to have children: they believe that having children would make them unhappy.

The couple is used to going on vacation an impresssive 12 times a year and won't give up this luxury, not even for a child. Taylor, in particular and for her case, defines becoming a parent as "irresponsible" behavior given the enormous economic outlay that this would entail.

The two both work and therefore have a certain economic independence. They both want to avoid a commitment that they consider would be expensive and "energy-draining": "Your life becomes entirely centered on your child and you forget about yourself and your marriage," Taylor said. As a result, the couple have made another important lifestyle decision.

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Wallpaperflare - Not the actual photo

“We want to buy a house and secure a good nest egg before thinking about having a child. We want to wait until we feel financially prepared, and we want to do our travelling first. Only then will I feel that I can give 100% as a mother, that I can be a good parent and that I can give our children the best life possible," said Taylor.

"There are people who put pressure on me and want me to change my mind: they remind me that my "biological clock" is ticking and that I don't have much time left to become a mother. I reply by saying that they are envious and frustrated precisely because I don't want to be as unhappy as they are: I don't want to be a person whose life comes to an abrupt halt when she has children," she added.

Her husband, Justin, shares and fully supports the philosophy of his partner and tells us that as long as they are young and in love, he wants to enjoy as much time as possible with her, free from any constraints. What do you think of the life choices taken by these two?
