Father enrolls in university to support his autistic son: they both end up graduating

by Mark Bennett

April 20, 2023

Father enrolls in university to support his autistic son: they both end up graduating

A parent's job is to educate and support their children throughout the early stages of their lives, so it is important not only to provide them with rules and examples to emulate, but also to make them understand that we are always by their side, that we support their choices and that we are there to help them in their life journeys. And some kids need special attention, like the subject of this story.

This kid's father has shown incredible sensitivity and love by making a truly unique and wonderful gesture.

via Culturacolectiva

Luis Felipe Soares/ Facebook

Luis Felipe Soares/ Facebook

Luís Felipe Soares, 47, is the father of Lucas Weberling, a young man who has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome: Lucas has a "high functioning" form of autism. Unfortunately, Lucas' condition has led to several negative experiences: he was bullied on several occasions while attending primary and secondary schools.

But Lucas harbored a strong desire: he wanted to be just like his mother, a criminal lawyer. So, he expressed his desire to attend university and get a law degree.

Luis was obviously proud and thrilled by his son's ambitions, but he was also very worried about how Lucas would cope with uiniversity life. So, Luis came up with a strange, almost "crazy", idea:


Lucas Weberling/ Instagram

Luìs, an industrial technician, enrolled in the law course together with his son! His plan was simple: he would accompany Lucas to the lectures and would keep him company - for just a few hours - to esure Lucas settled into his new environment.

"I was very nervous and anxious because of the new situation - not only because of Lucas' condition, but also attending the university itself: we were very far from home, we didn't know the people or the neighborhood. In truth, it was Lucas who calmed me down with his serenity. My plan was to stay in class just until the end of the fourth period, but Lucas wouldn't let me leave," said Luis.

In the end, after much studying, both father and son graduated! Now all they have to do is take the Bar exam and Lucas has stated that he would like to do it publicly! The insecurities and fears related to his condition are certainly no longer an obstacle for Lucas - who is more determined than ever to make a difference in the world of jurisprudence.
