Mother ensures that her 10-year-old son knows how to cook: "His wife won't have to do it for him"

In recent decades, mankind has made giant strides: technologies have evolved exponentially and customs and traditions have also undergone significant changes. Once upon a time, it was more likely to associate some roles with one gender rather than another. Without wanting to judge olden times in which men worked and women "stayed at home", we just need to think of, for example, the belief that only men could have a military career or that only women could be nannies.
This is no longer the case today, and this mother wanted to teach this fact to her son.
via Sjrp.temmais
Renée Rodrigues is a Brazilian mom and a strong advocate for gender equality. She has educated her son, 10-year-old Enzo, to be as independent as possible.
To do this, Renée taught her son the basics of cooking: "At the age of 3, he made his own drinks, he knew how to break eggs and how to separate them, he could weigh out ingredients and learned how to mix. I think it is vitally important that he knows how to find his way around a kitchen and prepare healthy food," Renée said.
Renée is a nutritionist and a restaurant consultant. Her son described how it was growing up learning culinary skills:
"Slowly, I was taught to handle utensils safely, to make small dishes and how to garnish them. My mum was always nearby, but she gave me the opportunity to 'get my hands dirty'" said Enzo. The child seems to love the world of cooking and already possesses remarkable skills: he is able to prepare dishes with chicken, broccoli with bechamel, profiteroles, feijoada, parpadelle alla bolognese and brigadeiro; his favorite dish is an omelette with bananas.
Renée advises all parents to let their children "discover" food and cooking, especially how to cook healthy food: "Give them healthy food in various ways and forms: one day raw, one day seared, one day cut into sticks, another day sliced, but give your children free access so they can taste and appreciate the food".
In short, the kitchen is no longer the sole domain of women and Enzo is a worthy proof of this. What do you think of the culinary education imparted by this mother to her son?