Mother forbids her mother-in-law from changing her baby's diaper: "His privacy is important"

by Mark Bennett

April 15, 2023

Mother forbids her mother-in-law from changing her baby's diaper: "His privacy is important"

The family represents the entity that supports and protects us and it is important that everyone does their part. Sometimes tensions can arise, however, which can turn into outright conflict. The most common quarrels occur between parents and children, but those involving in-laws are certainly not uncommon.

The subject of this story found herself in a bizarre and unpleasant situation. Read on to find out more:

via Timesnownews

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The woman in this story is a mother of a 6 month old baby and attaches great importance to some aspects related to the privacy of her little one. In fact, she believes that only she and her husband should take care of the child.

In particular, this mother prefers that only they take care of matters related to the "most intimate part" of their child: bath time and diaper changes are off limits for everyone else. It's not just about the privacy of the little one, but also about providing him with as much comfort as possible: changing a diaper, for example, is a "job" that can be unpleasant for a baby.

This is what this mother believes, and it has lead to causing a major rift with her mother-in-law. And the trouble erupted over a single incident.

Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels - Not the actual photo

Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels - Not the actual photo

The mother-in-law changed the child's diaper without even asking the mother for permission. "She infuriated me because it wasn't her job to do that. She just went ahead and did it and my baby cried the whole time. I always stop when he crys and wait for him to calm down - she didn't. I respect his emotions, but she doesn't. Anyway, I didn't say anything to her. She bullied me and usurped my role as primary care-giver," said the mother. The woman then turned to the internet for advice.

"You should set boundaries on things like this and point out infractions immediately. If someone crosses the boundaries then it's their problem, not yours, but you need to communicate it clearly," commented one user; "I think it was rude of her to ignore you and change the nappy while you were there - she should have asked you first," wrote another.

This mom is just one of many people who have come into conflict with their in-laws. Who do you think is right in this case?
