Woman undergoes surgery in order not to fall pregnant: "I like children, but I don't want to have them simply because I'm a woman"

Many things change over time: ideas and beliefs we had when we were young often fall by the wayside as we get older. Similarly, few people know exactly what they want from life when they are teenagers. But there are always exceptions.
The subject of this story had very clear ideas about motherhood from a very early age. Read on to find out more:
via Infobae

Belén Álvarez, 27, was different from the other young girls who went to her high school: they were already talking about having children, wondering about what names they would like to give them and "playing at being a mother". But this did not interest Belén at all. In fact, she felt that being a mother would be a burden. When asked in class what she thought about of becoming a mother, Belén answered that she had no intention of having any children.
Belén feared her unorthodox opinions would open her up to harsh critisism and ridicule, but the intervention of her teacher helped her allay her fears.

SeaReeds/ Pixabay - Not the actual photo
"You don't have to be ashamed of yourself: there's nothing wrong with what you want. Don't be sorry, you have no reason to be. After all, it's not that you can't have children, you're simply choosing not to have them," her teacher told Belén, adding that he was unmarried, childless and happy.
Belén was buoyed by these words and from that day, she realized that she was under no obligation to start a family: "this is the lifestyle I want for my future - childless and happy."
Once Belén grew up and matured into a young woman, she took decisive steps to reinforce her lifestyle choice.
Belén decided to have sterilization surgery as soon as she was old enough to do so: "I don't hate children, mind you, but I don't intend to have babies simply because I'm a woman and society expects it from me. I have the right to decide what to do or not to do with my body, to become a mother or not. It's my choice and should be respected".
The 27-year-old is also part of an association called "No Children" which includes both men and women who have no intention of becoming parents. "I found a group of people who share my vision of life, who supported me and don't treat me like a freak," Belén said.
How to live one's life should be a choice left exclusively to the individual and should not be judged - even if we do not approve of it ourselves. What do you think Belén's lifestyle choices?