Teacher duct-tapes shut a pupil's mouth: parents demand she be fired

The proper education of children and teenagers is fundamental and this is something that starts at home, and then moves on to the school. Once they get to the classroom, the kids are entrusted to the teachers. And, as we know, teaching is a tough profession. Teachers are usually special people who give of their best - but teachers are human too and can make mistakes.
This is the story of a teacher who was driven by a disruptive, disrespectful pupil into making a decision that cost her dearly in the end. Read on to find out more:
via Daily Mail

This incident happened at Smithfield High School, in North Carolina, United States. Teacher Dawn Felix, ended up in hot water after taking measures to deal with one of her pupils. The pupil, Brady Webster, is 11 years old and in middle school. On the day of the incident, Brady was misbehaving so badly that Dawn snapped and lost her temper. To silence Brady, Dawn sealed his mouth shut with duct tape.
Brady, not knowing what to do, took a picture of himself and sent it to his mother, asking her what he should do. Brady's woman, Catherine Webster, demanded to know what had happened and who had taped his mouth. After finding out what had happened, Catherine reported Dawn for unprofessional behavior.
Catherine later said: "I am a reasonable person and a strict mother who does not tolerate disrespect. I understand that teachers do not have time for disruptive studentss, which is why I try to give Brady the discipline he needs at home. But his teacher has never reported any negative behavior by my son to me, otherwise I would have intervened immediately".
Notwithstanding the circumstances, nothing excuses the excessive actions this teacher took which, in addition to punishing the pupil, also embarrassed him in front of his classmates.

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After a short investigation, teacher Dawn Felix was summarily fired for unprofessional conduct, unbecoming of an educator.
What do you think of this story: have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?