Mother blames her daughter: "It's your fault that I had to have more children at my age"

by Mark Bennett

April 22, 2023

Mother blames her daughter: "It's your fault that I had to have more children at my age"

We often hear about how difficult the role of a parent is and how many resources are required to meet all the needs of a child. Becoming a mother is particularly challenging: especially in the first months of life, a newborn is totally dependent on a mother's care.

However, one thing is often overlooked: how difficult it is to be a child. For children, it can be difficult for them to explain their points of view and their dreams and aspirations to their mothers or fathers. Not convinced? Well, here is a concrete example.

via Mirror

Kristy/Flickr - Not the actual photo

Kristy/Flickr - Not the actual photo

The woman who is the subject of this story is a mother, and the issue revolves around the "blame" that she attributes to her daughter. In fat, this 42-year-old mom is very angry with her 20-year-old daughter. The conflict arose because the daughter stated that she does not want children and plans to get sterilized.

Her mother was horrified to hear this and called her daughter "selfish" and opportunistic. Raging, the mother stated: "There are souls who need to join our family for ancestral and karmic reasons - we need to have children! And since my daughter is too immature and thinks only of herself, I had to have - at my age - two more children to make up for the ones she now won't have."

The reactions from readers who saw this mother's rant (posted online) were not, however, very supportive of her position.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

"Your daughter is an individual, not an extension of yourself! She has the full right to choose what to do with her life," wrote one reader. "Stop blaming your daughter if you're tired of having little kids running around. She didn't force you to have them," commented another reader.

"You are out of your mind if you think you can force someone to have children just because you think they should," stated another user. "You shouldn't be trying to manipulate your kids like this. And if you haven't realized this yet at your age, you don't deserve to have any kids - neither yourself or 'by proxy'," another commented.

In short, the mother did not get her hoped-for support from the internet. Parent-child relationships are complicated, but mutual respect is paramount. What do you think of this story?
