Parents won't accept their newborn son and leave him at the hospital: a nurse adopts him

You never know what fate has in store for us: sometimes happy events surprise us, at other times, unhappy ones occur. In the end it's all part of life and we just have to choose how we react to these circumstances: that's what matters.
Furthermore, what happens to us is relative and subjective: something can be seen as negative by some and positive by others. Like the birth of a child for example, which can be a cause of joy or tears. In this story, the birth of a baby boy was not accepted by his parents. In this story, we explain why.
via Infobae

The couple had longed to have a child and were thrilled to finally be pregnant. The pregnancy went well and the delivery was normal. Everything was perfect - until the parents realized their baby had Down syndrome.
The ultrasounds had not shown any signs of Down syndrome and for this reason, the parents were stunned by the reality. The child was born at the Mater Dei Sanatorium in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a religious hospital with many nuns in attendance.
But not even these nuns could convince the mother to do the right thing.

Krista Guenin/Flickr - Not the actual photo
The woman "refused" the newborn's birth certificate and demanded that the baby be taken away from her: she didn't want anything to do with the baby. Shortly thereafter, the parents left the hospital, abandoning the child.
Luckily, the nurses took on the care of the baby. Initially, the child was going to be called Franco - as had been planned by his biological parents - but this was changed by the nurses to Santiago.
Marcela Casal Sanchez was one of the nurses who took care of Santiago and she was particularly shocked by the behavior of the parents: in all her working life, she had never encountered a couple who simply abandoned their child like this.
Marcela grew very close to the child and she decided to apply to adopt him! There was a lot of red tape to do (especially seeing as Santiago had been assigned a foster family), but Marcela was persistent. In the end, she succeeded and the adoptioin was approved.
This wonderful story reminds us that giving birth to a child can be done by anyone, but parenting cannot. What do you think of this story?