After 22 years, this woman stopped dyeing her hair: "I feel much more beautiful and confident now"

Today's beauty standards are very demanding: according to the "rules", women (and men) should be slim, toned, have perfect skin and have a youthful appearance. This means that it is not "acceptable" to have any signs of aging on show, such as wrinkles or grey/white hair. However, recently, more and more people are embracing their natural beauty. Elisa Berrini Gómez is a 57-year-old woman from Montreal, Canada, and she has stopped dyeing her hair to hide her grey.
via Mirror
Elisa used to be convinced that grey hair was a sign of old age and spent 22 years of her life dyeing hers before being pursuaded "to stop". After a year of transition, during which she sported blonde and grey hair, Elisa finally grew out a full head of grey hair. "I feel more attractive now that I've learned to love myself. I'm even being courted by men whose ages range from 25 to 45!" she stated.
Although she's always had a "rebellious side", her only regret in life is that she dyed her hair for so many years in the past: "It's like I'd been 'programmed' to believe that grey hair made me less attractive. I judged myself based on my hair color. But now, I've realized that it's not my hair color that makes me beautiful, it's my self-confidence," she said.
Elisa found her first grey hairs at 30 and she tore them out. Later, she started to dye her hair, using professional hairdressers. However, at 52, Elisa decided to stop dyeing her hair: "I've always had this inner strength and I've decided not to dye my hair anymore," she said.
Elisa was surprised by the reaction from other women about her embracing her natural hair color. "Many women asked me why I have grey hair and when I explained my 'philosophy' to them, they were horrified - which is a shame: us women should support each other, not judge each other," she stated.
Elisa feels more attractive since she learned to love herself. “Since I stopped dyeing my hair, people think I'm 10 years younger! It was the best decision I've ever made in my life!” she claimed. And what do you think?