Mother cancels her daughter's 18th birthday vacation as punishment: "She humiliated one of her close friends"

Raising a child is a fantastic experience, but is also very demanding: during adolescence, for example, relationships become more complicated and it is not always easy to explain to kids what is right and what is wrong. Because of this - sometimes - it is necessary to resort to using punishment. Some parents, for example, ground their misbehaving kids - but this punishment does not always have the hoped-for effect.
A mother turned to web users for their opinions on the punishment she had given her daughter. Here is the story:
via Reddit

The woman's daughter, Abby, recently came of age. Abby's father, Max, had abandoned her before she was born, but later returned to face his responsibilities. Abby's mother suspects that Max has spoiled her daughter to make up for the 5 years he absent, ignoring her concerns about her daughter's health. This may be why Abby put on weight during her adolescence. A year ago, Abby started a diet and a reward system was set up by her mother for each goal achieved. Four months ago, Abby asked her mother to add the rewards to her birthday present, as she wanted to go on vacation with her friends. Her mother agreed to this.
“Last weekend we started preparing for the vacation. I called the parents of the other two girls to confirm their attendance and learned that Betty, Abby's best friend, was not going. Betty loves to travel and earlier, she couldn't wait to go on the vacation, so I asked what happened. Apparently, Abby dis-invited Betty because "she's too fat to look good in vacation photos". I spoke to Abby and tried to explain to her how Betty would feel about this, but Abby just replied that she 'hadn't worked so hard for this vacation to have my pictures ruined',” the woman reported.

“Long story short, I insisted that Abby apologize to Betty and reminded her how bad she felt when others teased her about being fat. I even threatened to cancel the vacation if she didn't apologize. I'm glad she feels good about herself now (now that she's lost weight), but it's no excuse to make others feel bad. Anyway, Abby stormed off to see her father. I later received a very angry phone call from my ex,chewing me out for threatening to cancel the vacation. I called Abby and reminded her that I wasn't asking her to invite Betty on the trip if she didn't want to, but that she must apologize,” Abby's mother continued.
In addition to not apologizing, Abby tried to get Betty to talk to her mother to tell her that she had lied about not being dis-invited and that she had bailed out because she was not feeling well. “Betty forwarded me my daughter's text messages so, I canceled the vacation. My ex and Abby think I'm a monster for canceling the vacation and my daughter won't talk to me now. Some of my friends agree with my punishment, while others think I should have put my daughter first,” the woman said.
Who do you think is right?