Children fight over their dying father's inheritance: he spends everything, but then regrets it

by Mark Bennett

June 14, 2023

Children fight over their dying father's inheritance: he spends everything, but then regrets it

What would you do if you had only a few years left to live and your children were fighting over your inheritance? That's the question a 63-year-old man asked himself when he discovered he had a smoking-related illness and watched his kids, all successful professionals, fight over his money.

The man then decided to spend everything he had accumulated in a lifetime of work to try to restore peace in the family and enjoy his last moments with his wife. But his kids were not amused by this, so he chose to seek advice from the web.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

The man said he was 63 years old and had made a lot of money. However, he was very disappointed with his children. He said that all of his kids are financially well off: the eldest is married to a lawyer, while the other three are all professionals, one a lawyer, one an engineer and the other a salesman.

“I was a smoker for many years and now have cancer, so I don't have many years left. After find out about this, my kids started to fight with each other, trying to get their inheritances. At first, there were frequent verbal arguments, which then escalated into legal battles. The tipping point came when my daughter forged her brothers signature to get his share while I was in hospital. Now, the kids only speak to each other through lawyers," explained the ailing man.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"Saddened by this situation, I decided to spend all my money, thinking that if there was none left, they would have no more reason to fight. I donated to charities, bought my wife expensive gifts, went on first-class vacations, gave my grandchildren, friend and work colleagues expensive gifts. We've bought a huge television, paid for my funeral in advance, and lots of other things. Right now, about 65-70% of my savings are gone. I plan to save enough for the time I have left and to leave my wife a sufficiency," he continued.

However, the man's kids have noticed the man's "spending spree" and have started asking questions. His daughter accused him of being selfish, claiming that his grandchildren will suffer the consequences of his actions. The sick man then realized that his grandchildren shouldn't be "punished" for their parents' actions and tried to find a solution to this problem.

The web fully supported the sick man: "You are not obliged to leave an inheritance. You have saved up for it all your life and you can spend it as you wish. No further conversations with your children are necessary", one user commented. What do you think about this story?
