Bus driver faints at the wheel: a 13-year-old takes matters into his own hands and saves everyone (+VIDEO)

There are moments in life when there is no time to think, but you have to act and act quickly to prevent the worst from happening. Maybe not everyone has gone through a situation like this before, but it could happen when we least expect it.
And this is what happened in the story we want to tell you about here. On a normal working day, a school bus driver fell ill and fainted while driving 60 students back home. Luckily, a special person saved the day. Read on to find out more:
via ABC News
This story took place in Warren, Massachusetts, USA, where a group of school children were returning home from Carter Middle School when something happened that put them all in serious danger. The driver of the bus suddenly fell ill, fainted and lost control of the vehicle.
Everyone was terrified - everyone except for Dillon Reeves, a seventh grader who at just 13 years of age, had the presence of mind to act immediately. Without hesitating or panicking, Dillon jumped into the driver's seat and managed to step on the brakes, preventing a potentially deadly accident.
Although his classmates were panicking, Dillon continued to remain calm and asked someone to call for help. This diminutive hero managed to save everyone, including himself. The driver was immediately taken to the hospital when help arrived and nobody was injured.

Dillon's quick actions transformed him into a little hero. To thank him for what he had done, Dillon's school organized an event in which he talked about what he had done. Needless to say, Dillon's parents were very proud of him.
"He is always very attentive to his surroundings," said his father, Steve Reeves. "It was amazing what Dillion managed to do and we are very proud of him". Locals also wanted to say thanks to Dillon and did so by putting up a banner in front of his house in which he is recognized as a "hero".
It's impossible to say that this is a very courageous young boy. In his shoes, not everyone would have been able to act so quickly - perhaps not even an adult. Instead, Dillion kept his composure and acted immediately to prevent a disaster from happening
We just have to thank Dillon for what he did and wish him all the best for his future.