Man gets a paternity test to find out if his son is his: "Now, my wife wants a divorce"

by Mark Bennett

May 07, 2023

Man gets a paternity test to find out if his son is his: "Now, my wife wants a divorce"

Trust is one of the fundamental elements for a happy and lasting marriage: it allows spouses to feel free to express their worries, needs and desires without fear of being judged or betrayed. Without mutual trust, the relationship is based on suspicions, jealousies and insecurities that can undermine love and mutual respect.

A 37-year-old father got to understand this at his expense. He doubted his paternity of one of his three children and decided to get a DNA test - completely destroying his marriage and his relationships with his children. Read on to find out more:

via Mirror

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Sharing his experience on Reddit, the man explained that he always had a nagging feeling about the paternity of his second child, since his physical features were so different from the other kids: "My wife showed me a photo of her grandfather and he looks a lot like him, but he has none of my family's characteristics. He is so different from all the other family members. I decided to take a paternity test for my own peace of mind. But doing so really angered my wife", the man explained.

The test confirmed the man's paternity, but the incident severely damaged his relationship with his wife: "I thought everything was fine and I was happy," he added. “But then my wife told me she was going to take the kids and go to live with her parents. When I asked her why, she exploded! She was furious with me for doubting her loyalty and she said that she would never forgive me for what I had put our son through, making him question his place in the family." The man tried to explain his reasons to his wife, but she stated that her pride had been destroyed and she wanted a divorce.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"We talked and she said she wanted a divorce because I don't trust her and I had disrespected her by thinking she would try to pass off another man's child as mine. Then she said she will never forgive me the impact this caused on my son. I didn't realize the damage it would do," recoutned the man, asking the web for advice on how to proceed.

Users were merciless with the man: "This guy keeps saying 'my wife is divorcing because of a paternity test', but it's not like that at all: she's divorcing him because he treats one of his children as an outsider, he doesn't trust her and generally is just a cad," wrote a young man.

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