YouTuber pretends to buy food for a homeless man: he wolfs down the food himself in front of the poor man (+ VIDEO)

There are many pressing issues in the world and the various crises that persist show no sign of going away. One of the biggest problems people face is that of finance: the cost of living constantly increases, out-stripping salary increases. There are many families who struggle to make ends meet. But some are luckier than others. But in what sense?
There are people who have practically nothing, not even a safe place to sleep at night. These are the so-called "homeless" and their numbers are growing globally. This is a true crisis, but there are some who make light of it.
via Insider

Trevon Sellers/Instagram/screenshot
Trevon Sellers, a YouTuber, got a "bright" idea into his head. His idea was to go and buy food for a homeless person and then give him or her the meal. A noble gesture in theory, right? Unfortunately, this was not the case.
Trevon wanted to shine a light on the homeless problem in Los Angeles. So he announced on his channel that he would do something for at least one of them.
Trevon quickly found a homeless black man curled up in the street. Approaching him, Trevon said: "Hey buddy, are you hungry? Yeah? OK then, what would you like? Would you like a bacon sandwich, fries and a soda? Does that sound good to you?" Naturally, the homeless man immediately accepted Trevon's offer. However, he never expected what happened next.

Trevon Sellers/Instagram/screenshot
In a video clip he posted, we see Trevon say: "God bless you, dude, I'll be back shortly", and then he takes off for a fast-food joint.
Trevon then purchased the sandwich, chips and a drink, just as he promised. Returning to the homeless man, Trevon says: "You know, I was also homeless like you too. I want to make sure you take the right path, that you are able to put yourself back together with your own strength". Trevon then pretended to give the man the food, but then snatched it back.
And Trevon's cruelty did not end here...
"Watch this: I want you to look at me and enjoy the sight of this food", Trevon is heard saying as he proceeds to wolf down all the food himself. "Mmm, that's really yummy. Well, have a good day then," Trevon quips as he walks away, leaving the homeless man completely speechless and bewildered.
Towards the end of the video Trevon goes back to the fast food joint again and orders exactly the same meal - this time (allegedly) intending to give the man the meal for real this time. However the man is gone, so Trevon donates the food to another homeless man.
It was a stunt Trevon probably staged for clicks, but it went badly wrong. Users and his followers lashed out at him for his cruelty and poor taste of humor. What do you think about this story?