Wife discovers that her husband has a mistress: now all 3 are living together

There are some things that have been with humankind since the beginning, and one of these is cheating and betrayal: acts of infidelity litter history and many have succumbed to this "sin". Being with just one person and for a long time may not be easy and in everyone's nature, but this does not justify those who cheat on their partners.
The wife in today's story was the victim of her husband's cheating and ... she decided to let her partner's lover to join the family.
via Thenews

Monogamy is no longer in vogue in modern society. In fact, many young people now seriously consider polyamory, ie. a relationship not restricted by the union of "only" two individuals. And this is certainly the path that Andy, Gabriel's "official" companion, decided to take.
"Infidelity has always 'been around', and given this, we should be more open to accepting polyamorous relationships in modern society", said Andy.
The 'original' couple had been married for around 7 years before the second woman arrived on the scene. Many have criticized the lifestyle of this 'extended family', but the trio are quick to defend their choices.

"I am happy because I no longer have anything to feel guilty about," the man stated in a video.
"I am happy because I no longer have to wonder where my husband is and what he is doing", the man's wife says in the same video.
"I am happy because I no longer have to sneak around and now, I am part of a family", said the erstwhile lover.
So, at the end of the day, this trio seems very happy with their unorthodox relationship: and isn't this what counts most in the end?