This mother was furious : she got a call from her daycare informing her her son had had "a little accident"

When you become a parent, you know that you will have many responsibilities. But often, these responsibilities are shared: relatives, and sometimes even friends, can offer help in the care and management of one's children. In fact, it's almost inevitable that, on certain occasions, our children have to be entrusted to someone else and there's nothing unusual about this. Of course, we expect whoever looks after our child to be competent.
Unfortunately, this was not the case for the subject of this story: she had to rush to the nursery where she had left her 10-month-old infant son.
via Bbc

Gustavo Fring/Pexels/screenshot/ - Not the actual photo
Ellie Nilssen, 28, received an alarming phone call one day: her nursery (daycare), Little Dreams Nursery in Aberdeen, contacted her to inform her that her 10-month-old son, Blake, had had an accident. The carer explained that Ellie's son had accidentally spilled hot water while her was playing, but there was nothing to worry about.
Ellie, now reassured, went to pick up her son from the nursery.
Once she got there - together with her husband Daryl - she immediately heard some terrible screams of pain. The couple recognized the screams immediately: it was Blake.

The little boy had burns on his legs and arms and his parents were stunned. Despite their shock and terror, they managed to remain lucid enough to call an ambulance immediately. The diagnosis was second-degree burns: the child, in an attempt to get sit up, had tried to hoist himself up on a bucket containing boiling water and bleach which ended up spilling all over him.
Blake was hospitalized and treated and is now doing well. Blake's parents, however, were horrified by what had happened and how the staff at the nursery had tried to minimize the incident.
As a result, the couple filed a complaint against the nursery and a five-figure sum was awarded them as compensation. This money was deposited into little Blake's account, which he will have access when he comes of age.
It is expected that when you use the services of specialists, you can depend on them. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. What do you think about this story?