Woman puts on makeup every day carrying out her job as a garbage collector, but a passerby criticizes her

There are many types of jobs in the world and many of them are subject to some form of dress code. Notwithstanding this, all employees strive to be dressed comfortably whilst at work. At least, this is the theory.
Life, as we know, is unpredictable and it held a nasty surprise for the subject of this story. Read on to find out more:
via Upsocl

Paulina Carvalho is a Brazilian woman who works as a garbage collector and street sweeper in the city of Porto Velho and is the focus of this story. Very attentive of her appearance, Paulina recounted the story of how, on an ordinary work day, a woman approached her and said: "Why do you bother to put on makeup when you do this type of work? You're just a street sweeper and your face will soon be so full of dust and dirt that even your children won't recognize you."
These cruel, insensitive words hurt Paulina and also made her think. According to the stranger, "a mere street sweeper" has no business putting on make-up, let alone wear earrings or fixing her hair.
This story shows that there are people who feel entitled to judge us based purely on appearances and their narrow-minded prejudices. If you have a passion, like Paulina has for make-up, you shouldn't cast it aside just because your job is of a certain nature. Paulina likes to take care of herself, wearing long earrings to frame her face and ensuring her hair is always done. Why should she give this up just because of the nature of her work?

And, in fact, Paulina answered the critical stranger: "My dear madam, the fact that I work wearing make-up and earrings doesn't change detract from how well I do my job. The important thing is that I am a kind person and am also well-educated and polite. I could have responded in a much harsher way to you, but I choose to remain respectful".
This is how it should always be: respect others and never think of yourself as being superior to them. Do you agree with this?