A mother works with her daughter in her arms, unaware that her boss is watching her

by Mark Bennett

May 20, 2023

A mother works with her daughter in her arms, unaware that her boss is watching her

Being a new mother can be difficult because society has many expectations about this role: mothers have to look after their newborns, manage the house and also recover after giving birth. And that's not all: after a couple of months, many women are expected to go back to work, leaving the baby in another's care. As a result, more and more working moms around the world have been lobbying for more inclusive workplaces that allow them to bring their children to the office.

via Lovewhatmatters

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Although many think this is could be counterproductive, a mother named Melody has demonstrated that it is, indeed, possible and feasible: after three-months paid maternity leave, Melody returned to work and her bosses tried to make the her return as accommodating as possible. Five months after giving birth, when Melody returned to work, she took her daughter, Nora-Jo, with her.

In a traditional work environment, this behavior would probably have been frowned upon, but not at the clinic where Melody worked. Melody brought along some toys to keep her daughter entertained, but Nora-Jo just wanted to snuggle up next to her mother and sleep. Melody worked with one hand while she held her baby in the other.


Workin' mamas.🤱 She makes it look easy. It helps that Baby Nora-Jo is so sweet and content just being with and near her...

Pubblicato da Maryland Farms Chiropractic su Giovedì 13 dicembre 2018

Melody didn't know her boss took a picture of her holding her baby and then posted it to the clinic's Facebook page. The company praised the new mom on her multitasking skills. The post went on to say that Melody was not expected to come into the office every day - only when the situation demanded it.

The post also encouraged readers to share photos of their employees working with their babies, so other businesses can see that it is possible to have more inclusive and mother-friendly work environments.
