'Impromptu' hero: 13-year-old boy uses a slingshot to save his sister from the clutches of a kidnapper

Keeping your children safe is a full-time job, as most of us with kids know. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to keep on eye on infants at all times.
The family in this story knows something about this. A tragic event was avoided only thanks to the level-headedness and quick thinking of the family's young son: he literally saved the life of his 8-year-old sister.
via 9and10news

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The incident all happened very quickly: just a few minutes, and it was all over. In the town of Alpena, Michigan, an 8-year-old girl was playing in her garden, looking for mushrooms and all seemed perfectly normal. But then, something horrifying happened...
A man suddenly came out of the woods not far the family's property and pounced on her little girl: he "gagged" her mouth with one hand and began to forcefully drag her towards the bushes. The young girl tried to wriggle free but without any success...
But all this did not go unnoticed to the girl's 13-year-old brother, who immediately, and courageously, leapt into action.

The teen boy was inside as the horrendous event unflolded and he immediately charged out to help his sister. But not before grabbing his trusty slingshot.
He loaded his slingshot and "fired" at the attacker. The attacker was hit in the face and he released the little girl. Hit again in the chest, the attacker fled.
Thanks to her brother, the little girl is safe, but is understandably very upset - like the rest of her family. Fortunately, the police managed to catch the girl's attacker: he is a 17-year-old youth, identified by the marks left by the hits from the slingshot, reported Lieutenant John Grimshaw.
The 13-year-old teen has become a little hero thanks to his quick-thinking: when it comes to defending loved ones we are willing to give our all - as shown by this loving brother. Well done, young man!