Teacher fired for dancing with her students at school: here are the images that prove it

Going to school is an experience that has always divided children: there are those who find it pleasant, satisfying, and stimulating and those who instead undergoes it and consider it as a real constraint. However, that academic training is fundamental is out of doubt: it is ascertained. However, there are many disagreements about the best teaching and communication methods to convey such crucial notions.
This teacher has devised a truly original system to attract the interest and attention of her students. However, others also noticed it, and there were critical consequences.
via Nypost

Cibelly Ferreira/Instagram/Screenshot
Cibelly Ferreira is a Brazilian teacher, or at least she was. But let’s proceed in order: the young woman taught English all over the globe and, more recently, had taken service at a school on a permanent basis.
She has a degree in biology and has won several awards in mathematics. But these aren’t the reasons that have impressed her students the most.
In fact, the Brazilian began, almost as a joke, to perform some "bold" ballets straight in the classroom, even involving her students: "it is difficult to divert the attention of teenagers from social networks and technology in general. One day a student of mine asked me to dance with him for fun and I accepted. The whole class appreciated that event and I felt that I could communicate fully with them, finally having all their interest," the former teacher said. True, but how much did the job cost her?

Cibelly Ferreira/Instagram/Screenshot
Her way of doing things, that attitude she had in class: her dances and her way of dressing were judged by the competent institutions to be undignified and completely inappropriate.
Cibelly got fired. But she is not discouraged: in fact, she can count on huge economic revenues deriving from the large following she records on social media.
But that’s not all, as well as being comparable to a real influencer, she also has a "other trump card" on which to rely.
In fact, she has admitted, shamelessly, that she also regularly publishes content on adult websites that are incredibly successful and earn her staggering profits.
Hence her dilemma: "I love teaching and being a teacher is a wonderful role and gives me a job stability. But on the web, I can make a lot more money".
"And in any case, I believe there is nothing wrong with using our qualities to get an income: every woman should feel free to make her choices, even when it has to do with our body".
Finally, we have the judgment of her "audience", who tried to answer her doubts.
"Forget the path of the teacher and commit to the virtual world", this is the recommendation of many of his followers who appreciate and value the Brazilian woman.
Certainly her case would not be the first where beautiful girls give up more "ordinary" jobs, attracted by easier earnings and greater fame.
After all, life is a wild ride, and everyone is free to make their own choices, but we should first be well aware of the potential consequences that can arise from the latter. What's your reckon?