A dog spent months in the rain clutching his stuffed animal, then someone intervened

Dogs are pure and loyal animals who unconditionally love their owners and other living things: they make no distinction between breed, color or species, and accept everyone as friends. They are also very sweet and cuddly, in fact they show their affection even with stuffed animals. For them, a stuffed animal is like a playmate, confidant or emotional support.
The story we are about to share with you represents the emblem of the tenderness that can arouse a stray dog that does everything to protect its inanimate friend as if it were its puppy or best friend. But let go in order.
via People
As just mentioned, an example of this love was shown by Nikki, a very sweet female German shepherd caught in the street wandering stray in the rain trying to protect her beloved stuffed animal. The photos and videos of the dog clutching her beloved puppy firmly in her jaws amidst the streets battered by incessant rain touched the hearts of hundreds of people deeply. This led a volunteer association dedicated to animals to take on the responsibility of tracking him down and rescuing him.
The mission to save Nikki kicked off when images of the puppy began circulating among rescuers in the Detroit metropolitan area of the United States. "I received numerous reports complete with photos and videos of this dog walking in the rain in downtown Detroit with her stuffed animal. It was a heartbreaking scene," recounted Gail Montgomery, co-founder of Almost Home Animal Rescue League.
So the race to find her began, a race that was eventually successful: the dog had been alone on the street for months, probably due to the disappearance of its owner, and was fed on scraps and thanks to the help of generous people. The stuffed animal was perhaps the last memory of her old family, and she did not want to let it go. After being rescued, Nikki was taken to a veterinarian, who found that the dog was suffering from some problems resulting from months of straying.
"They found plastic bags, twigs and bones in her stomach," Montgomery explained. To date, thankfully, Nikki and her favorite puppy have finally found rest in a warm, dry home: the German shepherd has been adopted by a caring family and continues to receive necessary care.