A young hero: a boy saves his grandfather from choking using a maneuver he learned at school

When you become a parent, you have a duty to educate your children in the best possible way, in the hope that they will grow up respectful of others and ready for life. This task is certainly not easy, but one is never "completely alone" in this endeavor: school contributes significantly to providing this education - at least, academically speaking.
Sometimes there are skills learned at school that can really make a real difference: in this case, they saved a human life.
via Today

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This story happened in Italy: a young child saved his grandfather's life!
The elderly man had eaten a mouthful of food but some of it got "stuck" in his throat, causing him to choke. He could not breathe and was quite literally choking to death. But luckily, someone had done his homework...
The man's young grandson knew what to do: he immediately called his father and "instructed" him how to deal with his choking grandfather.

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The young boy instructed his father how to do the Heimlich maneuver on his grandfather: this maneuver consists in giving a series of "blows" in back of the choking person, followed by a number of abdominal compressions. The maneuver worked and the elderly man's life was saved!
When emergency responders arrived at the scene, the congratulated the boy for his prompt intervention. Everyone was amazed the boy knew exactly what to do.
Proudly, the boy said: "I learned it at school!". Indeed, just a few days previous, the Red Cross had given some first aid lessons to children at the school aged between 8 and 13 years.
Thanks to a good education, a life was saved and a diminutive hero was born!