After 25 years of celibacy, this priest has left the church... for love

Falling in love is not something that is easy to resist. Love can manifest itself in many ways, often surprising us. That said, couples falling in love and deciding to build a life together is one of the most natural things in the world.
But there are those who choose not to bind themselves to an "earthly" partner, but rather to a supreme entity, a divinity, a god to whom they dedicate their lives. Priests, nuns, monks and the like renounce interpersonal, human unions to give their lives to a "higher power". The subject of this story knows something about this experience.
via Ouest-France

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Christophe Chatillon lives in France and dedicated his life to God from a very young age. He was ordained as a parish priest way back in 1999 and for 25 long years he served the church. His profession led him to assist many people, guide the faithful and preach the word of the Lord, until he became a rector at the cathedral of Sainte-Croix in Orléans.
One day, however, something changed his life - or it would be better to say someone did - and he could not help but go with it. Love for a woman led Christophe to leave the church.
To avoid leading a double life, Christophe told a disappointed bishop Monsignor Blaquart that he had to leave the church.

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Christophe said that, after spending many years serving the parish of Orléans Cœur de Ville, the time had come for him to start a new life. "For a long time, the joys of the mission and of fraternal life allowed me to cope with celibacy. Today, this is no longer the case," he said.
His life led him to meet a special woman: and when he did, he fell in love with her. After all, love is powerful, unique and overwhelming, and resisting it is practically impossible. Rather than lie to himself and to others, this former priest made his decision, and closed an important chapter in his life.
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